Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year End Mood .

The last day of the year . Had retro meeting with self , in mid morning .

Alcohol lubricates , talking to self becomes smooth .

Year beginning was good . Good on all fronts .

Mid of 2008 , I was completely scattered and shattered , finding myself completely lonely in business .

But C H A N G E is the only constant thing in this world .

I unlearnt past , learnt new habits , and defined my new destiny .

Last few months were unexpectedly better days of life .

Year 2008 gifted me a skill set : ' U N L E A R N I N G ' .

Upcoming life seems to be more full of content and richer in experience than ever .

Life is beautiful .

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sahara ( Support ) of Dreams .

In a very giant and India's first Valley / Lake City project , I came across a guest house with this bed room .

Fully air conditioned , built up with bamboo , lavishly decorated , still simple , with a very spongy bed . Anyone would go to sleep in this wonderful bedroom in just few minutes .

I was not ready to click a photograph to protect the privacy of the owners , but my then friend took my camera phone ( I used to have HTC TyTN II those days ) and clicked .

We promised each other to build similar dream bed room soon .

Dreams are there to bring them in reality .

UnReadable but surely interpretable .

Once I was at Pondicherry . Around three years back . Mid morning time , hunger attacked me . My friend Rahul and I started searching a local food joint , on our rented bike , over unknown roads of Pondicherry .

We were moving on , after 10 minutes of research , we came across a small board on very small congested street . " Sri Murugan Cafe " and " Pure Vegetarian " words in small font , which actually attracted us .

We went inside , had a lot of Dosas , Idlis , Wadaas , Pongal and yes of course-obvious Filter Coffee ( Madraashee Preparation ) .

Over satisfied us , then started looking around in cafe , on the wall , after the last table we saw this rate board hanging .

I was not able to read the board meaningfully but it surely was already interpreted by my senses .

Satisfaction , always priceless .

Saturday, December 27, 2008

" Give time a break " & " 365 days holidays " : Holiday Mood .

During tremendous work pressure , whenever suddenly I think of holidays , my destination choice get revealed in mind , either Pondicherry or Goa .

" Give time a break " & " 365 days holidays " , both advertising catch lines of respective tourism department are true , 1O1 %.

Life is not just for working , these two destinations make you learn to live it .

These days , I feel like keeping all work off and rush to either of my favorite destinations .

At such tempting times in busy schedule , I manage to visit various web sites , collect the information for my next tour , gets satisfied with it , over come the temptations of holiday temporarily and resume the work .

That's real & practical life .

Merry Christmas !

"Merry Christmas" words bring me memory of my few friends of school days , who used to bring cake next day of Christmas in their lunch boxes .

I always look for a chance to eat a cake .

Yesterday , I bought myself a cake and enjoyed the festival .

I remember the dialogue from DCH , " Cake khane ke liye ham kuch bhi kar sakte hai ! " .

Even I do .

Friday, December 26, 2008


I often visited Chennai in last few months . Once I got down at Chennai airport around 0200hrs , due to delay in flight timing .

So all time calculations were collapsed . I took an auto towards hotel . There was hardly any traffic near air port and along the road .

It was month of November . I was just observing , If I could get some Tea / Coffee shop , stall , hotel open . Auto driver negated the probability . It was cold in the air .

And there , I saw a barista moving on the road . I asked auto driver to stop , called up barista , took two cups filled with coffee , offered one cup to auto driver , which he accepted with hesitations .

It was typical filter coffee , south Indian coffee preparation .

I just got down , took the photograph , finished the coffee .

Still hotel was 12 KMs away .

ParkINGAA : Troubelovia @ Office Car Park .

ParkINGAA : Troubelovia @ Office Car Park .

Some days back , after finishing my work , I packed up my office bag and came down to office parking .

Some funny situation was waiting to astonish me .

One Toyota Innova was parked very near to my Maruti ZEN , as if the Innova was in love with ZEN .

So much near to each other , I was not able to reach to the doors of ZEN .

I remembered "Lage Raho Munna Bhai " situation , but hardly anyone was there in parking area , surely I was not getting kidnapped . Still I observed curiously around .

Innova driver , no idea what his feelings were . I do not have enemies . I suppose .

I tried left side of ZEN , and was successful to reach at drivers seat , after a little circus .

I drove out of parking area , thanking Innova driver for giving me chance to exercise the circus .

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Coconut Water @ Pondicherry .

Coconut Water @ Pondicherry .

Long back I clicked this photograph , in early morning , after finishing a Real Morning Walk at Pondicherry .

It was a chilled dawn . I got up and left hotel very early . It was almost no natural light on the streets . I started walking down towards promenade, nearest to sea location, a famous attraction of Pondicherry .

Many people , most of the foreigners were taking a pleasure of ambiance and a nice walk .

After walking for 60 minutes , completing six rounds of end to end walk , body gave signals of thirst .

And exactly then I saw this man ready with a coconut in hand and looking towards me .

I gave him a smile , walked towards him and he guessed his first customer of the day .

Small water in coconut and large water in the sea , were satisfying my senses .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lady Advocate Bar Room : The untold saga .

Lady Advocate Bar Room : The untold saga .

Permit Room , Beer Bar , Ladies Bar . By now we all are aware of these words .

Monday , I got a chance to visit local honorary court at Pune . As I was browsing through the campus I came across this door and tried to got explained the meaning , the idea , the feeling behind this board hanging along .

I couldn't find much meaningful to my senses . But overall the words combination was appearing comic .

Anyone , having any idea about it ?

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Mercs & BMWs Of Common India : Dec 2008.

The Mercs & BMWs Of Common India : Dec 2008.

Today was again a chilled morning at Dive Aagar .

Early morning , I found electricity absconding . Left with no choice for me as my entire work depends on it & now lot of time was available to waste .

" Chaltaa Hai Yaar " is a great tradition of India religion . Common services like water supply , commercial electric power supply can get vanished at will of regulatory authorities . For some of my foreign friends when they were here , this tradition was a emo-cultural shock .

Without wasting time I decided to take a short walk . During the walk , I was observing many birds , animals and trees . It was a shivering cold .

I saw a bullock cart & a bicycle rider . I just aimed my Omnia and clicked . Rural India is still riding on thease affordable, energy efficient transportation resources . I ran behind the cart and asked the man for the ride in his bullock cart . He happily welcomed and offered me a seat just next to him .

We had a little conversation . It was strange , funny but nice experience . The man was driving the cart as if it was his BMW . While a home based Tea shop was passing by , he asked me , wether I would like to have tea . Which I politely refused and decided to got down , thanking him for the nice ride .

A day was to begin .

Monday, December 8, 2008

Strikingly Expressive Dawn @ Dive Aagar .

Strikingly Expressive Dawn @ Dive Aagar .

Hardly any Sun light & it was really cold . Cold in Konkan was first time experience for me . Just 10 M above MSL , the green patch of 3 KMs is Dive Aagar .

Coconut trees , betel nut trees , palm trees and many more , highly dense in very little land .

Mist , cold , silence , birds chirping sounds, no direct sunlight & surrounded greenery .

Not a single person was on the road , except us .

Old fashioned houses , along the road sides , were just waking up . Truly rustic awkwardness was observed in natives . Women were looking busy with their daily cleaning routine . Small house-hold, experimental Chai Ki Dukans ( Tea Shops ) on road sides , were still closed .

I was breathing fully , Ozone & O2 . Nearest star was restless & religiously doing it's duty .

After lightheartedness experience and a walk of about 2 KMs , I decided to return back .

Now the road was clearly visible .

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lake Mulshi : Dam Magnificent .

Lake Mulshi : Dam Magnificent .

On my way from Pune to Dive Aagar via Mulshi, after Tamhini village, there comes a photographed spot .

Blue sky above, snakey road along side, tantalise silence, hazy surrounding, the December cold & all this just at 553M above MSL hardly 65 KMs away from Pune city ,

I reached one of the parts of heavens . After spending about half an hour, I continued to journey Dive Aagar .

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tree : Witness of British Era .

Tree : Witness of British Era .

One day I decided to venture in to Pune University campus . I found the main building under repairing / reconstruction .

The construction , made happened by the wise British , was brought down to earth with care .

I spent an hour , watching the old construction , as it was permanently removed thereafter .

This construction must have remained spectator to development of education in India .

I took the nearby route to main canteen , on that small pathway, I found this astonishing tree.

It was calm and quiet surrounding with soothing cold in the air . I sat there for a while . Experienced the peace of mind . Life seemed to be more better .

Tree seems to be existing , right from ethnic & classical British era .

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Dear 'The Taj, Bombay.'

Dear 'The Taj, Bombay.'

Last night, returned to home after a small get together and was preparing to sleep. As a habit, logged on to Palringo messenger client. And suddenly one of friends sent a message "9 places firing bomb blast, in Mumbai right NOW; check TV channels ".

I was shocked emotionally, rushed to TV viewer and .......

My dearest hotel Taj Hotel was affected. Some blasts were heard with firings. A lot of smoke from many floors of Taj Hotel was shown on screen.

It was heart breaking scene for me. Since my childhood, whenever I visited Bombay, I made a point to visit Taj & The Gateway Of India.

I always loved Taj, for its architecture and the way it is constructed. Furthermore it was constructed by an Indian, always made me proud about it.

Recently I had been to Bombay, just for heritage walk. I visited Hotel Taj, The Gateway Of India, Hotel Oberoi, Fort Area, CST, Churchgate, Hotel Gaylord, Necklace road, Museums.

It is hard to digest the news of blasts around these locations and harder to resist the tears.

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rural India People.

Rural India People.

Rural India still gives me feel of Singapore, where people are still polite, helpfull & full of humanity.

Few days back, I decided to take a short break and travel across Sinhgad road to Velhe village route.

In the evening I came across a plain ground with mesmerizing smell of Indrayani Rice. I couldn't resist, I stopped & got out of my vehicle.

There I met this man, can be perfectly described as 'The Indian Farmer'. He rushed towards me. Gave a broad smile. And started explaining about his field, rice, market..... on his own. During our small conversation he explained complete procedure, how rice comes finally in our malls.

He offered me tobacco, which I politely refused to consume.

He offered water and asked if I would like to have Tea ? Which I said 'Next time'.

I took his photograph and wholehartedly moved back to my vehicle.

Some times I meet India, the real India, in villages.

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

True lover's knot : Shangrila Garden @ Panshet Road.

True lover's knot : Shangrila Garden @ Panshet Road.

Good news to all the couples looking for tranquility around Pune city, within reach, just few KMs away and still safe. A new place is added to our wish list. "Shangrila Resort".

A nice green lawn, nice wooden benches to sit, light posts, surrounded by back water of Khadakwasla dam and hills at back and front.

Though touched by main road, there is ample of silence with pretty good privacy.

After all what a couple needs to spend few hours at a real romantic ambiance.

Resort, as on date is under construction, but you can freely utilize the lawn as of now.

Start from Raajaaraam Bridge, Sinhgad Road -->Khadakwasla Dam --> Sinhgad Diversion --> Khanapur --> Malkhed --> Sonapur and keep looking at right. It shouldn't take more than 50 mins to reach these 30 KMs

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

St. Crispin Church, Nal Stop, Erandwane, Pune. India.

Lot of time was at disposal today morning. Had a hangover of late night reading "Thomas Williamson , ( 1810 ), East India Vade-Mecum, VOL I. , London , Black, Parry, and Kingsbury".

Thought of visiting some British Constructions and admire them.

While having a cup of coffee at Hotel Samudra , Nal Stop , Church bell soothing sound at sharp 0900hrs, made me to visit the St. Crispin Church, just at walking distance of 100 mtrs.

Before I left Samudra, did some basic R&D on the church, but unfortunately couldn't gather much of infobase from the Internet.

May be, I am the first, putting picture on the web.

The place was blissful, not very silent surrounding, as huge traffic passing nearby.

Not any information writen out side was found except Archeology Department notice lying in actual dust bin.

Feached a very little information from the Internet, "Its a protestant church but every Sunday evening at 6.30pm there is roman catholic mass."

It took nearly 30 mins to observe and understand the structure of the church, I was missing my binocular.

I came out deciding to visit the church once again and very soon.


27 years back for 3 years, almost daily, I used to wait for bus, while returning from school, near the gate of this church, only planned, decided & set resolutions to visit it many many times then and thereafter.

Some times, some resolutions become unimportant for no reasons.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bombay Preparation.


Ash confirmed his presence tomorrow. Maruti Zen final vehicle for journey. Need to fill up bag and do some research on Mumbai, my little PDA shall help.

Need to carry binocular, car PDA charger, few biscuit packs.


Wikipedia for info about Mumbai and Wikitravel for travel guidelines. Reply about heritage walks expected from "THE BOMBAY HERITAGE WALKS" <>


Wikitravel suggests to buy "Time Out" Mumbai edition. Updated in PDA schedule.


1. Prince of Wales Museum
2. National Gallery of Modern Art
on agenda.


Eicher City Map on buying list


Leopald's Café & Gaylord on my restaurant list. Still no plans, where to stay for tomorrow's night. Finding on GPS POI will be a better idea.


Chatting online with students. Bag packing still pending. Very less time left. Anxious to visit the great city with heritage prespective.


Eyes tired. Need to rest the body, brain still active.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Diwali Escape.

It was a long, that I had been to Farm House, the dream place of mine.

On event of auspicious occasion, mad surround sounds in early mornings and evenings to late nights, sound & air pollution, lot of mankind around....

I sustained for first three days of Diwali. At last yesterday, I decided to quit cityscape and filled up car with required.

Today, early morning I left messed up town, Now I am at a small hut of mine constructed on quarter acer farm land, giving break to all the humans and their rituals in city.

It's cool. Lot of grown up humble trees spreading dark shadows and much more of silence around. Perfect environment on top of every human being's wish list.

Time has slowed down it's speed. Cool air is blowing the trees to make a gentle whispering. Birds are chirping even in late noon. Presence of colorful butterflies is mesmerizing.

I just asked the care taker to put on the water sprinkler, I can erect the tent later in the evening.

It's increasing the cold, but feeling like in heavens. The smell of wet sand, an invaluable perfume, only available in nature .

Sucking the oxi-rich air with the nose to fill up all possible empty places in body.

I am planning to TEA, British preparation.

Oh! Sun bird. Sitting on cherry tree. Let me find my binocular. Got it. Oh, no! Sad, Bird disappeared.

Brewing the Tea. Perfectly matured Taj. The extravagant smell.

The first sip. Wow.

Repose, quiet, placidity, serenity, tranquillity, quietness, quietude, hearts ease, ataraxis. All words are given meaning by this kind of ambiance.

Planet, perfectly on it's duty. Birds are slowly moving on horizon, possibly returning home. Poets can have inspirations from the burning globe moving down.


It's time to put on lights. Shall I follow custom today? Why not ? Anyway there is no electricity at my small Palace.


Oh! Wow. What a wonderful scene. Such a small change, created wonders. Little of light, diving different paradigm.

It's cold in air. My TISSOT watch displaying 21° C.

Too much of good silence around.

Planing to prepare food.

Fresh farm-grown ladyfingers, let me pluck few.

Cooking for self is a great fun.

Wow tasty food ready.

And now finished too.

It's just 2000hrs.

Day over. Darkness around.

I am listening Va Pu Kale on mobile, battery going down.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Punekar !

Pune city is very famous for the various Notice Boards.

And everyone will appreciate this board. It is hanging in a lane near Hotel Trushna's, Near Hotel Girija, Near Tilak Road, Pune.

Thanks and cheers to the person who dared to write it & hang it on wall.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thoughts @ Night

Some nights are sleepless . They provide continuously unlimited
thoughs to brain . One after another . Non stop . Hours together .

Such beautiful nights are for evaluation . To look in to past, come to
presence and run ahead of future .

Really! Human brain , a small processing-power unit can think only in
the known paradigm .

Brain is looking out for 'Maanavi Sankalpanaaonse Kahee Aage'.

Brain hai ke maanataa nahie.


Monday, January 21, 2008


Aadivaar / Sunday,

The non-deliverable day to the world. Thank GOD for taking rest on Sunday. Thanks British for setting Sunday as holiday of the week. Once again thanks to British who brought coffee to India. And thanks to South Indians for their own way of Filter Coffee preparation.

Yet it’s cold in the town. Day rises late still. It’s 0840Hrs. I decide to hand over my control to mind and body, to indulge myself in nothing. They command to move out and take the road to “Hotel Samudra - Pure Veg.” at Nal Stop.

Body and mind are prepared to undergo the meditative state. They order for “Filter Coffee”. It takes unbearable five minutes. They are anxiously waiting. After waiting for nearly five minutes, the queen of the day, a cup of coffee is in front. They force on me to pick up the cup. They sense exotic aroma.

And further is a whole experience.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The FoodLovia

It was mid of year 2002. On my daily route from my office to home, I started observing some painted sign boards. 'Dahi Thalipeeth', 'Pithle Bhaakri', 'Usal Poli', 'Sabudaanaa Khichadi', 'Puran Poli', 'Kacchhee Dabelee'. It tickled my taste bud and imaginations. I started wondering. Morning & evening sign boards were changed. New menu at all the times. After reading plentiful sign boards for a month or so, one fine evening I entered into a truly First Maharashtrian Café of India, Manohar Fast Food Parlor, Mehendale Garage Campus, Near Mhatre Bridge Entrance from Karve Road, Erandwane, Pune 411004. India.

I sat on the chair and observed simple but clean & fresh environment maintained around. Handwritten menu in genuine devnagri script on small stone slates was giving me hint of culture of the café.

I ordered various dishes and tasted out. I was fully satisfied. I marked & confirmed that the place is run by very authentic & genuine person.

The authentic food quality, sufficient quantity, clean, healthy, higenic, nutritious & made after order food, all the best of entire world in homely environment, I found at this one place.

In my first visit, I realized, this is the place I was looking for, since years.

Since then, my love about food has fetched me to this place many times. I have seen many TV actors & actresses, famous marathi writers, poets, film personalities hanging around .

Many new items were added to menu.

Paratha: Cheese/Aaloo/Gobi/Shengdaanaa/Corn/Paneer, Sabudaanaa Thaalipeeth, Shengdaanyaachaa Laadu, Sheeraa, Upamaa, Kaande-Pohe, Misal-Paav, Idlee-Saambhaar, Paav-Bhaajee, Vadaa-Paav, Burgers.

Many prepared vegetables in their authentic form are available. Like Metheechee Bhaajee, Aambaadi chi Bhaajee, Kaandaa-Paat Bhaajee, Bharlee-Waangee. Additionally, zunkaa bhaakree, puran-polee, taak, thechaa, kokam sarbat.

I found the menu quiet simple, attractive and rarely available at other places in the town.

Recently, every saturday for lunch; Fruit Salad has been added to the menu. I normally take 2 dishes of Fruit Salad as it gets over in very shorter time due to overwhelming response.

Mr. Makarand Daate <Age @ 45>, originally Mechanical Engineer by profession & Ms. Madhuri Daate , the couple behind this success story, are very friendly and sincere about their business.

Soon they shall be coming out with Diet Food for people like me.

I wish, they should put WorldSpace Radio Farishtaa channel up & running during their business hours. This shall add zenith to the ambience.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pondicherry : 21st Feb 2007.

With the basic idea of revisiting Pondicherry and to indulge myself in the historic era of french empire again this year whereas last year I spent a complete one week there. I started back to work on pondicherry trip.

I checked out and got a ticket for Rs. 0 and only taxes deal, so total I spent was Rs. 2400 for return ticket. It was a better bet.


Last year it was 14 to 21 February of 2006 week, I spent with my friend Rahul . We got the booking for stay, at Sea Side guest house, a place run by Shree Aurobindo Ashram. It is the ONLY best place to stay and incase your lady luck favors, you may get a sea facing room. That case person cannot think of leaving pondicherry for lifetime. Thease rooms need extremely advance booking. Rate is Rs. 700 (Feb 2006), for an extremely clean, AC room for two. You do have a room service here for basic beverage .

Breakfast,lunch and dinner need to be well informed at reception. Food is of good quality and pure veg. Staff there, is very cooperative, you can obtain a Pondicherry map free of cost from reception.

Bay of Bangal is not more than 100 feet away from this guest house, you can listen the natural music of ocean in your room all the time and at no extra cost. Rules of the house 1) No boozing 2) No smoking 3) No non-veg and 4) closes by 10pm. This guest house is on exact location where it should be. It is at very ideal place.

We visited, invented and discovered so many places for us.

Cut to Present....

This year it was time to use that all information and re-explore pondicherry.

But, but, but........

After booking on line with from Pune to Chennai , I wrote a mail to Seaside Guest asking for booking . And I got a first shock, no room was available with them. It disturbed me. I called up all possible places run by Ashram, but alas. Not a single room was available with any of the Ashram guest houses. I madly searched on the Internet, but all of the hotels were full. I invested two days calling hotels at Pondicherry but invain.

On third day, my luck shined bright, I got booking at `Pondicherry Executive Inn`. I just called up, got their ICICI account number and transferred the money. It was deal of Rs.1500 per day. I was bit relaxed and bit tensed too. As I was not sure of the room quality.

Finally, on 21st February 2007, I started journey from Erandwane, Pune 411004 India. Recently, the city transport bus (PMT) started a service from Deccan Gymkhana to Airport. I went to Deccan bus stop by auto riksha (Three wheeler public transport) and waited for the bus. Bus came at sharp time 1910hrs, it was very ordinary bus which took 55 mins to reach Airport, cost to pocket was Rs. 40 (Feb 2007).

After checking in luggage at Airport, I started with Packed dinner of Paratha and Chatani. I do not believe in the quality of food outside and that to at public places. Costs are very high at airport for no real good reasone. Flight got announced and took off at sharp time.

Journey was pleasant. At Chennai airport , Pre paid taxi service to Pondicherry is available costing Rs. 1900 (Feb 2007) . I decided to travel by public transport . Outside airport I got auto riksha to Chennai Central bus stand, costing Rs. 200 (Feb 2007) . It was 0100hrs in morning. Distance, from airport to bus stand is 22Kms. My watch showed the temperature of 27 deg cel. I tried registering my cell phone, but found that GPRS was not working, which was an emotional shock to me.

Chennai Bus stand was little bit more cleaner, it is ISO certified. At bus stand, infact the bus was just waiting for me to come on platform 5. I just got in and the bus left for Pondicherry. There was no door to the bus, letting the chilled and moist air to come in. I didn't had any remedy to fight this basic element at such odd hours. It was 23 deg cel. Bus took ECR (East Coast Road) which was very smooth.

I got down at 0445hrs, caught an auto riksha and got down at hotel, at cost of Rs. 40 (Feb 2007) . There was completely silence in the town. I checked in, the hotel was really really a good place. There were two parts in the room, with two individual AC units. Outside unit was having a TV set and sitting arrangement like a guest room and inside was with table & chair, bed, refrigerator and cupboard. Toilet was really in good condition. Hotel had an ethnic feel. Staff was cooperative. I decidedd to take some sleep and to start with the plans at early in the morning .