Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tree : Witness of British Era .

Tree : Witness of British Era .

One day I decided to venture in to Pune University campus . I found the main building under repairing / reconstruction .

The construction , made happened by the wise British , was brought down to earth with care .

I spent an hour , watching the old construction , as it was permanently removed thereafter .

This construction must have remained spectator to development of education in India .

I took the nearby route to main canteen , on that small pathway, I found this astonishing tree.

It was calm and quiet surrounding with soothing cold in the air . I sat there for a while . Experienced the peace of mind . Life seemed to be more better .

Tree seems to be existing , right from ethnic & classical British era .

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

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