Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year End Mood .

The last day of the year . Had retro meeting with self , in mid morning .

Alcohol lubricates , talking to self becomes smooth .

Year beginning was good . Good on all fronts .

Mid of 2008 , I was completely scattered and shattered , finding myself completely lonely in business .

But C H A N G E is the only constant thing in this world .

I unlearnt past , learnt new habits , and defined my new destiny .

Last few months were unexpectedly better days of life .

Year 2008 gifted me a skill set : ' U N L E A R N I N G ' .

Upcoming life seems to be more full of content and richer in experience than ever .

Life is beautiful .

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sahara ( Support ) of Dreams .

In a very giant and India's first Valley / Lake City project , I came across a guest house with this bed room .

Fully air conditioned , built up with bamboo , lavishly decorated , still simple , with a very spongy bed . Anyone would go to sleep in this wonderful bedroom in just few minutes .

I was not ready to click a photograph to protect the privacy of the owners , but my then friend took my camera phone ( I used to have HTC TyTN II those days ) and clicked .

We promised each other to build similar dream bed room soon .

Dreams are there to bring them in reality .

UnReadable but surely interpretable .

Once I was at Pondicherry . Around three years back . Mid morning time , hunger attacked me . My friend Rahul and I started searching a local food joint , on our rented bike , over unknown roads of Pondicherry .

We were moving on , after 10 minutes of research , we came across a small board on very small congested street . " Sri Murugan Cafe " and " Pure Vegetarian " words in small font , which actually attracted us .

We went inside , had a lot of Dosas , Idlis , Wadaas , Pongal and yes of course-obvious Filter Coffee ( Madraashee Preparation ) .

Over satisfied us , then started looking around in cafe , on the wall , after the last table we saw this rate board hanging .

I was not able to read the board meaningfully but it surely was already interpreted by my senses .

Satisfaction , always priceless .

Saturday, December 27, 2008

" Give time a break " & " 365 days holidays " : Holiday Mood .

During tremendous work pressure , whenever suddenly I think of holidays , my destination choice get revealed in mind , either Pondicherry or Goa .

" Give time a break " & " 365 days holidays " , both advertising catch lines of respective tourism department are true , 1O1 %.

Life is not just for working , these two destinations make you learn to live it .

These days , I feel like keeping all work off and rush to either of my favorite destinations .

At such tempting times in busy schedule , I manage to visit various web sites , collect the information for my next tour , gets satisfied with it , over come the temptations of holiday temporarily and resume the work .

That's real & practical life .

Merry Christmas !

"Merry Christmas" words bring me memory of my few friends of school days , who used to bring cake next day of Christmas in their lunch boxes .

I always look for a chance to eat a cake .

Yesterday , I bought myself a cake and enjoyed the festival .

I remember the dialogue from DCH , " Cake khane ke liye ham kuch bhi kar sakte hai ! " .

Even I do .

Friday, December 26, 2008


I often visited Chennai in last few months . Once I got down at Chennai airport around 0200hrs , due to delay in flight timing .

So all time calculations were collapsed . I took an auto towards hotel . There was hardly any traffic near air port and along the road .

It was month of November . I was just observing , If I could get some Tea / Coffee shop , stall , hotel open . Auto driver negated the probability . It was cold in the air .

And there , I saw a barista moving on the road . I asked auto driver to stop , called up barista , took two cups filled with coffee , offered one cup to auto driver , which he accepted with hesitations .

It was typical filter coffee , south Indian coffee preparation .

I just got down , took the photograph , finished the coffee .

Still hotel was 12 KMs away .

ParkINGAA : Troubelovia @ Office Car Park .

ParkINGAA : Troubelovia @ Office Car Park .

Some days back , after finishing my work , I packed up my office bag and came down to office parking .

Some funny situation was waiting to astonish me .

One Toyota Innova was parked very near to my Maruti ZEN , as if the Innova was in love with ZEN .

So much near to each other , I was not able to reach to the doors of ZEN .

I remembered "Lage Raho Munna Bhai " situation , but hardly anyone was there in parking area , surely I was not getting kidnapped . Still I observed curiously around .

Innova driver , no idea what his feelings were . I do not have enemies . I suppose .

I tried left side of ZEN , and was successful to reach at drivers seat , after a little circus .

I drove out of parking area , thanking Innova driver for giving me chance to exercise the circus .

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Coconut Water @ Pondicherry .

Coconut Water @ Pondicherry .

Long back I clicked this photograph , in early morning , after finishing a Real Morning Walk at Pondicherry .

It was a chilled dawn . I got up and left hotel very early . It was almost no natural light on the streets . I started walking down towards promenade, nearest to sea location, a famous attraction of Pondicherry .

Many people , most of the foreigners were taking a pleasure of ambiance and a nice walk .

After walking for 60 minutes , completing six rounds of end to end walk , body gave signals of thirst .

And exactly then I saw this man ready with a coconut in hand and looking towards me .

I gave him a smile , walked towards him and he guessed his first customer of the day .

Small water in coconut and large water in the sea , were satisfying my senses .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lady Advocate Bar Room : The untold saga .

Lady Advocate Bar Room : The untold saga .

Permit Room , Beer Bar , Ladies Bar . By now we all are aware of these words .

Monday , I got a chance to visit local honorary court at Pune . As I was browsing through the campus I came across this door and tried to got explained the meaning , the idea , the feeling behind this board hanging along .

I couldn't find much meaningful to my senses . But overall the words combination was appearing comic .

Anyone , having any idea about it ?

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Mercs & BMWs Of Common India : Dec 2008.

The Mercs & BMWs Of Common India : Dec 2008.

Today was again a chilled morning at Dive Aagar .

Early morning , I found electricity absconding . Left with no choice for me as my entire work depends on it & now lot of time was available to waste .

" Chaltaa Hai Yaar " is a great tradition of India religion . Common services like water supply , commercial electric power supply can get vanished at will of regulatory authorities . For some of my foreign friends when they were here , this tradition was a emo-cultural shock .

Without wasting time I decided to take a short walk . During the walk , I was observing many birds , animals and trees . It was a shivering cold .

I saw a bullock cart & a bicycle rider . I just aimed my Omnia and clicked . Rural India is still riding on thease affordable, energy efficient transportation resources . I ran behind the cart and asked the man for the ride in his bullock cart . He happily welcomed and offered me a seat just next to him .

We had a little conversation . It was strange , funny but nice experience . The man was driving the cart as if it was his BMW . While a home based Tea shop was passing by , he asked me , wether I would like to have tea . Which I politely refused and decided to got down , thanking him for the nice ride .

A day was to begin .

Monday, December 8, 2008

Strikingly Expressive Dawn @ Dive Aagar .

Strikingly Expressive Dawn @ Dive Aagar .

Hardly any Sun light & it was really cold . Cold in Konkan was first time experience for me . Just 10 M above MSL , the green patch of 3 KMs is Dive Aagar .

Coconut trees , betel nut trees , palm trees and many more , highly dense in very little land .

Mist , cold , silence , birds chirping sounds, no direct sunlight & surrounded greenery .

Not a single person was on the road , except us .

Old fashioned houses , along the road sides , were just waking up . Truly rustic awkwardness was observed in natives . Women were looking busy with their daily cleaning routine . Small house-hold, experimental Chai Ki Dukans ( Tea Shops ) on road sides , were still closed .

I was breathing fully , Ozone & O2 . Nearest star was restless & religiously doing it's duty .

After lightheartedness experience and a walk of about 2 KMs , I decided to return back .

Now the road was clearly visible .

Credits :
Photograph :
GPS tagged.
Samsung Omnia 5M Pixel.
Moblog :
Samsung Omnia
Idea EDGE.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lake Mulshi : Dam Magnificent .

Lake Mulshi : Dam Magnificent .

On my way from Pune to Dive Aagar via Mulshi, after Tamhini village, there comes a photographed spot .

Blue sky above, snakey road along side, tantalise silence, hazy surrounding, the December cold & all this just at 553M above MSL hardly 65 KMs away from Pune city ,

I reached one of the parts of heavens . After spending about half an hour, I continued to journey Dive Aagar .