Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Royal FEEL : The only palace hotel of Maharashtra .

Almost 15-20 years back , in my kid days , my father once mentioned about this hotel , it is most beautiful palace hotel and very costly , he added . I read some advertisements of this hotel in Diwali Special Editions of magazines , then . It created a wish in my mind to visit and stay in this hotel , at least once

As a middle class child faith , then , some costlier things are to be done at only once in a lifetime and achieving such things used to became ambitions . Such likes were the small things built my faith , then . And I feel this is how middle class child grows even today .

I got chance to visit this Palace 4 years back . I was supposed to stay over night at Kolhapur , where to stay was a question . And remembered my old wish , I asked my friend Anil , whether he can make arrangements at Shalini Palace . Anil was not happy with idea , as he was local person , he knew the wisdom that hotel was not doing well and have service problems .

After insisting , he made the arrangements of booking and we checked in at just cost of Rs . 700/- , 24 hrs check out term .

Staying in a palace was a first time experience . I won't kill and I always avoid to kill the curiosity of my blog readers , so I won't describe the palace details , left to you all to discover on your own . Surrounding of lush green lawn , tall palm trees , Italian marble , Belgium glasses lot of to discover . I will say , IT IS A ROYAL FEEL , very rare experience otherwise .

I stayed many times thereafter . It has become my favorite destination . But , now this hotel is very much in demand , service has significantly improved , the restaurant hosts good food , bar is kept full with variety of brands . Hotel is now one of the attractions of Deccan Odyssey heritage tour .

Taj Palace Mumbai though carries word Palace in it , was never a palace of any king , queen or royal family , as per available information , so Shalini Palace built in 1931-1934 , with the backdrop of beautiful Rankala lake , converted to hotel in 1987 remains the first and only Palace Hotel Of Maharashtra .

Don't get surprised , if you see me over there , during next holiday season .

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