Wednesday, December 30, 2009

WorldSpace must survive .

It'll b REAL death of Kishor,Rafi,Manna,Mukesh,Talat,
Lataji,Ashaji,Shamshad,Suman,Suraiya & lyrisists & music dirs.
#WorldSpace #Farishta

#WorldSpace dying. We Indians have lost our knowledge / culture /
music / traditions / vedas / upnishadas / due to no proper
preservation of documentations of anything since ages, continuing to
loose music in 2010?

Fokat radio stations don't have rich contents like #WorldSpace . Many
songs will go behind the curtain of time forever . #Farishta .

Not a single capable 'Maayi Ka Laal' in coming forward to save the
Indian music? Proving: Indians cannot preserve great works #WorldSpace

Remember the joy when #WorldSpace played a song & u got pleasant
surprise "Oh I know this song, after how long I am listening the

Not seen ur parents living by #WorldSpace? Remembering their golden
old days, just imagine their feelings. Their blessings to u for joy .

Remember the time when after listening #WorldSpace #Farishta your eyes
filled up with tears remembering someone who was closely associated .

Those who are never aware about , it's very difficult to explain what
the loss it will bring with the closure of #WorldSpace really.

My first reply to #WorldSpace E-Mail immediately was , " You are
telling me that one of your parent is going to die at midnight of year

By hook or crook we must protect the #WorldSpace from getting closed.

Spread the word to influential people in society like Tatas , Ambanis
, ABCL , Percept , Eros , PNC , VM of Kingfisher , Birla and anyone
who you feel shall help .

Thanks N Goodwill .

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fruit dish .

Few months back I was in Goa on holidays . My hotel served buffet breakfast , I was served this cool fruit dish as a starter of breakfast .

Fresh cut fruit , decorated nicely , made my day .

Monday, August 17, 2009

View from hotel room @ Chakrata

I used to have Omnia that time with EDGE . I was on my way to Chakrataa in Gadhwal , Uttaraanchal .on my back pack tour .

No fixed agenda , no defined destinations , all guided n advised by blogs n the Google searches .

I came across this hotel . And then I was really thankful to all those who wrote blogs and guided my decision to land at that hotel .

A typical British construction . A Raj era traces . Complete silence around . Surrounded by lush green trees .

View from room was most pleasing . Himalayan ranges beckoning , visible directly from bed . Awesome moments .

Life was more beautiful then .

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chotiwala Restaurants @ Hrishikesh

Was roaming around in Hrishikesh town in the afternoon . It was real blissful being in this ethnic and religious town , spending some absolute trivial time .

In a lane , after crossing Raam Zulaa , I came across this restaurant . A person with nice costume and make up was inviting . First time in life I saw something like this .

The person was giving good smile and was posing for photographs .

In astonished mood , I entered in restaurant to fulfill my cravings .

Breakfast @ ISKCON Hrishikesh.

I remember the golden time I spent at Hrishikesh . Being new to the place , I was searching for the City Guide on the Internet and was reading some blogs . I came across this mind blowing , ethnic and cultured place .

Reaching this place was easy , just before Ram-Zula starts . Food was excellent , ambience was great , service was GODly . A very rare combination .

ISKCON philosophy could be experienced at this place . I just loved it , actually anybody would .

Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthy Breakfast .

Some mornings require powerful intake to start your day with full zest .

Full of protein , carbs n fats . With fresh fruits n coffee at the end .

Some lovely days do start with power food .

Friday Afternoon : Weekend Mood

Lot of time at disposal but cannot leave town . The week was almost full of NO ACTIVITY . But had to spend time at home .

Just remembered the Goa beach , clean blue water , beach shacks , over flowing beer and lot many trivial hours .

Life is beautiful .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bhushan Shaligram : A sincere thought .

Morning I got this mail from my student-friend Bhushan , who prepared for CCNA under my guidance almost 4-5 years back . I couldn't resist myself to put his mail as it is on my blog .... his sincere thoughts .

------- Original message -------
Hello All,   First of all let me tell you this is not a forwarded email, this is a self composed sincere thought that just came in my mind after and while going through the horrendous feeling about getting infected by H1N1 (mind you only feeling, I am not infected as yet).   I am currently out sick with cold ; occasional cough, it's just a seasonal change, routine infection (which I suspect as of now) but the very condition today compels me ; my father to be extra precautious about this simple cold too. Today I was asked/requested by my colleagues in the office to retire early for home than my scheduled time, reason being my sneezing ; holding hankie ; tissue while sneezing or coughing. I was bit reluctant to leave early as the very thought of me being looked as suspect for bloody simple sneezing disturbed me. But finally I thought that I should not become a reason for any unfortunate event that no one wanted to have in the office. Nowadays all the companies, be it small or large are all equipped with Air Conditioners ; all modern unthinkable amenities, obviously all futile in front of nature. I was aware that Air Conditioner would spread the epidemic at a faster speed if I was really infected by that, so I unwillingly chose to leave office. I called the transport facility asked for the cab out of my scheduled drop, to my surprise the Cab was ready downstairs, so I immediately boarded it. The Cab driver also asked me surprisingly "Aaj Lavkar Saheb?" I firmly said yes holding the hankie tight covering my mouth ; nose, I guess that gesture was well enough for him to understand the reason behind leaving early, he too had tied his scarf around covering his mouth as these guys have to face many people daily (I appreciated the awareness/ precaution in my mind), then all the way while we had discussion about the virus spoiling the entire city ; he was heartily cursing foreigners being responsible for spreading this… I was astonished to know that he was well aware that we (Indian's) live in much better manner ; hygiene than them (Although the fact is we just see to our own hygiene, disregarding the cleanliness around us) but in way he was right as we seldom have been responsible for inventing such kind of viruses which have a serious impact on world. These kind of syndromes have always been imported without any tax/duty from foreign countries and that too free of cost!!! (Remember Russell Peters dialogue "take it and go").

I reached home two hours earlier than my stipulated time, got an expected reaction "Kay zala" aaj Lavkar kasa? I narrated the tale again ; started with the homely treatment. I took steam ; that too with eucalyptus essence, rubbed Vicks Vaporub, ate food, read newspaper, saw some news on TV (scanning through news channels showing news about this new virus), was learning about the increasing death toll ; number of people testing positive. Watched all this stuff for 15-20 minutes ; suggested myself why are you increasing your fear? Go and sleep, enjoy the early coming… I had a good sleep of entire 5 hours. Opened my eyes to see my father standing in front of me with new utensil for fresh steam, warmed myself again with the steam. My father went to chemist then ; got some pills for cold ; also bought the mask (Rs.10) which I am still wearing while writing this.   

Now, you may think why this person is bothering me by telling all this to me? What the heck can I do? Does he want me to nurse him? etc etc….   Precisely talking my intention behind this article is spreading awareness. Awareness about 'us', awareness about the way we live, awareness about the strength of nature, awareness about the fumigation/cleanliness our surroundings needs desperately, awareness about saving our next generation, awareness about threat to our existence ; for our own planet.  

Don't you think "it's time" It's really time for all of us to think ; act collectively without waiting for any administration to take charge ; make us aware or give warning like the "third ; final bell" in a stage show? There are some simple ; economical expectations from all of us as responsible citizens. You all are well aware what needs to be done, so I am not going to jot down or prepare a list for Do's ; Don'ts, it makes no sense. Just one thing- Think about saving our planet ; also think why have we landed in these circumstances that we have to think about the very existence of planet?  

Friends buckle up!!! We need to strive ; make this place a better place again for everyone to live in peace ; equality. -- RegardsBhushan


This MoBlog is Photographed , Composed and Published through Samsung Omnia 2 .

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Recently I got chance to visit SajjanGadh this year again . Almost 1100 meters above MSL, at the same height of famous hill station Panchgani. Just 3 hours away from Pune near Satara .

A place everyone must visit least once in lifetime , preferably in August - September . There is absolutely free staying facility and even free food too .

Nature , is abundant around , to make you unwind yourself .

I spent a great time with some real good people .

Life is beautiful .

This MoBlog is Photographed , Composed and Published through Samsung Omnia 2 .

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Once again this year I got a chance to visit JadhavGadh , unexpectedly . One of student friend asked me out to have an short trip to Panshet , which we actually started for but finally decided to roam around Satara Road .

We turned left towards Saswad and after crossing few distance landed to JadhavGadh .

It was really Mesmerizing environment . Full greenery around the fort . We were welcomed with traditional instruments Dhol and Tutari .

After a nice welcome drink we decided to step in at some other time as we had very less time left .


This MoBlog is Photographed , Composed and Published through Samsung Omnia 2 .

Toll Plaza

Traveling is always a fun . But last few years there is additional cost of toll charges. Who set it , why set it , why we are compelled to pay it . All are big questions . Everyone still keeps on travelling .

These days you come across people selling various things at these toll booths. I tasted peanuts but was not a good experience.

Still it's a fun travelling across .

This MoBlog is Photographed , Composed and Published through Samsung Omnia 2 .

It always give me a pleasure to write on travel .

I was passing by Khambataki pass (ghat) and I saw this beautiful part of earth. I just aimed my Omnia2 and clicked. This beautiful creation of nature was a standing invitation to stop and get down out of bus to reveal myself in to this lush green forest.

Life is beautiful.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back to BlogSpot world .

It's very happy coming back to my old BlogSpot world . Life is better than ever was .

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Goa : Part I

Goa is amazing state . And history of the state is further interesting .

Located on western coastal line , surrounded by Maharashtra and Karnataka states . 100 KMs of coastal line and syncretic culture attracted me . Young crowd of my age loves Goa electronic parties .

' Panjim ' capital , ' Vaso-da-Gama ' largest city and ' Margo ' is the historic city . Additionally I planned for ' Old Goa ' the area full of Churches and holds world heritage site .

One of the longest held colonial possession in the world , almost 450 years , needed a special vision , a special client configured in brain . I started googling about Goa . I understood , lot of pre-knowledge is required to enjoy Goa in multiple paradigms .

' Goparashtra ' or ' Govarashtra ' the area referred at the Mahabharata times . Country of cowherds . 'Gopakapuri' or 'Gapakapattana' were found used in some ancient . Hindu texts such as the Harivansa and the Skanda Purana. In the latter time , Goa is also known as " Gomanchala ". Google provided additional further names Gove, Govapuri, Gopakpattan, and Gomant .

As per available history , Goa was ruled by Mauryan Empire . Later ruled by Satavahanas of Kolhapur , then by Chalukyas of Badami . Thereafter Goa was successively ruled by the Silharas , the Kadambas and the Chalukyas of Kalyani , rulers of Deccan India .

Further recently in 1312 AD , Delhi Saltanat , 1370 Harihara of Vijayanagara empire . After 1469, Goa was ruled by the Bahmani sultans of Gulbarga . Thereafter Adil Shahis of Bijapur ruled it . In 1498, Vasco da Gama became the first European to set foot in India through a sea route , landing in Calicut (Kozhikode) in Kerala , followed by an arrival in what is now known as Old Goa .

The Portuguese arrived with the intention of setting up a colony and seizing control of the spice trade from other European powers after traditional land routes to India had been closed by the Ottoman Turks .

After getting settled , history records are found that " With the imposition of the Inquisition (1560-1812), many of the local residents were forcibly converted to Christianity by missionaries, threatened by punishment or confiscation of land, titles or property . Many converts however retaining parts of their Hindu heritage . To escape the Inquisition and harassment, thousands fled the state, settling down in the neighboring towns of Mangalore and Karwar in Karnataka , and Savantwadi in Maharashtra . With the arrival of the other European powers in India in the 16th century , most Portuguese possessions were surrounded by the British and the Dutch . Goa soon became Portugal's most important possession in India , was granted the same civic privileges as Lisbon In 1843 the capital was moved to Panjim from Velha Goa . By mid-18th century the area under occupation had expanded to most of Goa's present day state limits . "

After India gained independence from the British in 1947, Portugal refused to accede to India's demand to relinquish their control of its enclave . Resolution 1541 by the United Nations General Assembly in 1960 noted that Goa was non-self-governing and favored self determination . Finally , on December 12, 1961, the Indian army with 40,000 troops moved in as part of Operation Vijay . Fighting lasted for twenty-six hours before the Portuguese garrison surrendered . Goa , along with Daman and Diu (enclaves lying to the north of Maharashtra), was made into a centrally administered Union Territory on India . India's takeover of Goa is commemorated on the 19th of December (Liberation Day) . The UN Security Council considered a resolution condemning the invasion which was vetoed by the Soviet Union . Most nations later recognized India's action, and Portugal recognized it after the Carnation Revolution in 1974 . On May 30 , 1987 , the Union Territory was split, and Goa was elevated as India's twenty-fifth state, with Daman and Diu remaining Union Territories .

With such historical background , visiting Goa was going to be a fun .

The photograph was clicked at Dona Paula , is a former village , and tourist destination , in the suburbs of Panaji , Goa , about which I shall write soon .

Friday, February 27, 2009

..GO....GOA........GOAFY !

With a coastline of 100 KMs , Goa offers many picturesque beaches. Almost 36 beautiful Goa beaches were waiting for my footprints .

Cleansed by tides , twice a day , reformed by monsoon yearly, the Goa beaches always have everything new to offer , every time of the year . Mingling with sun kissed beaches is always an endless pleasure!

All Goa beaches are unique and unlike each other .

Though amongst top 10 and preferred destination by foreigners , one finds many Indians , enjoying nature and beauty .

I discovered Goa , packed with foods , activities and amusement for all ages.

Goa stands for beaches , water sports , wildlife , crocodiles & dolphins spotting , bird watching , shoppers paradise , festivals & carnival towns , temple , churches & forts , hiking & trekking , night life , spice farms , shacks-restaurants-hotels-resorts-clubs , lakes-waterfalls and authentic massage centers .

Ooh! That is what I found what GOA stands for . No matter what the desires , Goa has the resources to satisfy .

I will just say ..GO....GOA........GOAFY !

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunset or Sunrise ?

I was driving back to Mahabaleshwar from Tapola .

Tapola is advertised as Kashmir of Maharashtra , by local guides and tour operators in Mahabaleshwar . Hats off to the person who got the idea to use " Kashmir of Maharashtra " to attract the people to Tapola .

I had been there many times in various seasons , but none of the times it felt attractive , forget about comparing with Kashmir .

Tapola is about 30 KMs , almost all Ghat , from Mahabaleshwar . Road is still under construction at some places . It took 1 hour to reach there .

Boating is a main attraction . We paid Rs . 450/- for 45 minutes ride to a so called island for 4 seats .

Island where you are dropped after almost 12 mins of your ride starts , boasts some tea shops . We were asked to spend 15 mins there . All nonsense . We decided to return back earlier .

After boating fiasco in the water of Koyna and Venna , which form back water of Koyna dam , I started back driving very fast as wanted to see our only star in action .

But couldn't seem reaching at Bombay point to see star setting down as it was almost late .

Decided to stop at a turn and there I was able to catch the star setting down .

It was a mesmerizing environment . Chilled wind . Koyna dam backwater down there . Hardly 2 minute's show .

Show got over , in very happy mood , I started to drive towards Mahabaleshwar .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mahabaleshwaring .

On the pink weekend , I had been to Mahabaleshwar . 20°C at night was really making town more pink .

On Sunday morning I went to MAPRO Garden , where I saw these beautiful flowers .

Grilled Cheese Sandwich was delicious and Strawberry with cream in it's proper season was awesome .

Crowds of youngsters were enjoying the food , the place and yes the temperature .

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

Life running with it's own speed . Lot of things awaited to happen in life .

Google latitude was a great invention of the week .

Plans for this weekend are up . Valentine's day special offers are advertised in news paper and on web sites . Quite tempting offers .

Let every one get his/her desired partner for lifetime .

Got a chance to watch movie ' Mukhbeer ' . Nice creation .

Home , sweet home , nah home , bread home .

I was at Pondicherry . It was 1st Jan morning . I happened to visit a hotel near bus stand . There I saw this Bread House , new year's decoration in entrance lobby .

Planning is up for a week's holiday nearby .

Wishing all living-beings , a happy and successful valentine's day .

Friday, February 6, 2009

Backpacker in Action : Velaas


Almost done with my work of the day .


Blog completed yet to be updated , but no GPRS coverage for Idea Cellular Service , task pending . Lot of time in hand to spend .


Difficult to stop mind & body . Strong wish to visit nearby village ' Velaas ' .


Uncontrollably picked up my bag , put in two biscuit packs & chilled water bottle , fully charged Omnia along . Some cash , almost Rs . 100/- .


Slopping SPF 30 . Shoes on . Rayban covering eyes . No cap .


Out on road, towards auto stand - DiveAagar.


Oops , no auto available . Waiting .


Auto arrived but asking Rs. 200 return trip to Velaas . Seems to be costlier . Rejected .


Six seater arrived . Place available to just seat in . Ok . Now almost 1 KM to travel towards Borli . Road , not good but it is what road is in rural India .


Got down . Just Rs . 5 charged . Now have to ask for auto to Velaas .


In auto . Road , again the same story .


Auto stopped . Paid Rs . 15 . Opened up google map . Checking for roads . Analysing village structure .


Selected a road . Started walking . Everything unknown . Small homes amidst countless coconut trees . Full dark greenery with cold .


A school passing by left side . Let me have a snap . Two of the classes are without teachers .


Feeling thirsty . Taking bottle out . Having some cold sips . Nice houses on both the sides of road .


Road getting converted to a small sandy path . Indicator , beach ahead . Google maps confirming .


Oh , what a view . DiveAagar beach at opposite end . Yesterday , I came to same spot riding boat .


Trying to cross the backwater and reach DiveAagar , but seems to be impossible . Wet sand crossing , almost a deadly experience .


Decided to take a round across Velaas beach .


Taking snaps .


Sun still not giving comfort to relax . Strong sunlight on beach . Extremely clean beach . Only one road from village to come on beach . Google maps helping .


Decided to walk back towards auto stand . Very small road passing through coconut trees .


Red chillies found out side a home . Put in sunlight , for drying purpose . Asked permission to take a snap . Ladies sitting along found astonished , when I photographed red chillies and not them .


Nice walk . Thirsty . Got myself watered . Nice small houses , hidden behind coconut trees .


Back to auto stand . Waiting for auto . Villagers strangely staring . Only small shop in front . Asking for aerated cold drink . Shop keeper honestly told , he has locally bottled drinks . Plan dropped .


Auto . Back to Borli . Cost Rs . 7 . Spending some time at market place .


Caught auto to DiveAagar .


Auto ride cost Rs. 20 .


Life found nourished and enriched . Nice time in life . Once again .

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

Along with the group of almost 40 , I was taking a stroll along backwater of Arabian sea at DiveAagar .

Yes , once again I happened to be at DiveAagar .

It was cool evening . We all were heading towards nowhere along backwater . It was pleasant time passing then .

We caught hold of a traveller boat man and asked him for a ride to Velaas beach . Boat ride was amazing . It was chilled wind passing across , rare experience on west coast .

Spending almost 2 hours and heading a lot of technical discussions with group , including GPS demonstration , on beach , we all decided to return back .

Was a good time .

Friday, January 30, 2009

FridayAfternoon : Weeknd Mood

After waiting for a long time , finally I got chance to visit the first lake city of India in the month of April , last year .

It was a cool evening . Maintained greenery around . Rich ambience . Picturesque beauty , always seen only on the soft & glossy paper of lifestyle magazines .

I was just storing the moments .

Hats off to the person who just could imagine and bring this lake city to reality .

Various paths of life , let entire humanity bring all the best to this planet .

Monday, January 26, 2009

Around Pune :Raamdaraa .

Local people and google helped me to choose the destination for the evening .

Few kilometres away from farmhouse , this is the place , called Raamdaraa . I took a turn at Loni on Solapur Rd. & drove as per google maps .

Omnia is always a great help .

The not so good road , took various shapes and sizes . It was a rural India , purely agro based . Various grains and grown up vegetables along both the sides of road . Driving was fun .

Finally admist hills , along side of a small pond , surrounded by lush green tall trees , here comes the famous Raamdaraa Temple .

Extremely NO crowd . Full of silence . Stunning location . A place for perfect meditation . It was almost 1745hrs . I started exploring temple . Neat & clean place , certainly a surprising thing .

No tea stalls , no parking charges , much away from commercialisation and yes all this abundant nature , absolutely free of cost too.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally at friend's farmhouse .

About to drive out , away from town , finally . Still destination is not getting final . Many locations under consideration .

Just took out PDA . Visiting . Nothing feels better . Standing invitation at friend's farmhouse . Seem to be a better idea .

Leaving gas station . Vehicle fuelled fully now . Traffic on the road . Red signal . Stopped . Updating blog .

These days suffering from SAD and winter blues . Bright sunlight , feeling better . Good mood . FM 101 on . ' Sajanaa hai muze , Sajanaa ke liye ' on air , oh RD you are just fabulous composer . GPS guiding . Thanks dear Omnia .

Almost 45 minutes , I am driving . Excitement , happy mood , better feel , tension free , relaxed , enjoying , getting away from the world , over all it is adrenaline rush .

Last turn & just entered in the premises . Parked the vehicle . Oh my my my , Trees , trees & only trees around . Chirping of birds is the only sound . Chilled at almost 1230hrs . Dark greenery around . Face flushed by exhilaration .

What an amenity .

Some new sensational feeling , beyond thoughts , beyond till the date experiences . Vocabulary and word power failing . Brand new experience .

Small house to stay in . Tall , old and handsome . Built almost a century ago . Well maintained .

Unpacking luggage . Taking out magazines . Setting up WorldSpace Radio Farishta .

Next almost 3 days to explore the area around .

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I along with me .

Staying in town has its own pay out . But some of pay out must be invested in little escapes .

I finally decided to pick the bunch of magazines , radio farishta and quit city in search of hidden amenity of nature , may be surrounded by trees , admist lake , in between fully grown crops or high on top of hill .

Away , far away from crowd , CO , CO2 , sound pollution , sky scrappers , thought polluting news paper & TV channels , disturbing cell phones and addicted gadgets .

Only I accompanying me , I along with myself , thinking about myself , talking to myself , understanding myself , finding myself , analyzing myself , giving boost to myself . Last several months , I never gave sufficient time to myself .

Friday 1015hrs . Almost 3 days in hand . Mind has started travelling , body shall follow .

Friday, January 23, 2009

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

Planning is up . This is going to be a long weekend . Standing invitation from friend , to spend weekend at his farmhouse .

Wish to spend this weekend reading magazines in a library or reading room like environment .

Reading surely puts more paradigms to thought process & enriches the life .

Little bit shopping , a movie , calling friends , tub bath , cleaning home , cooking ' Pudina Rice ' , drinking lots of Anti-Oxidents , gym . All on agenda this weekend along with reading .

Wish you all a happy long weekend ahead .

Around Pune : Bhuleshwar .

Around 45 KMs from Pune , on Solapur highway , search for Bhuleshwar on right side after hotel Kanchan .

Read the board , turn right , travel almost 9KMs on bad road , climb a small ghat almost 200 mtrs in height . Take a final right turn on top . Yes right , what you are seeing is a Bhuleshwar temple .

Park your vehicle and start climbing steps , you have reached to 13th century constructed temple .

It shall take around two hours to explore the temple carefully .

Photograph is just to give you an idea , rest is left for you to explore , trust me it's worth .

Local people will tell you a story of " Goddess Parvati danced for Lord Shiva here , thereafter they went to Kailash Parvat and got married "

Very few Tawny Eagles , found migrated from Pakistan and Himalayas during my visit last week .

Carry water bottle , food , binocular , sun glasses , cap , sun screen lotion . Oh and remember , you will not get any eatables or hot / cold beverages here .

This place is far away from commercialization .