Monday, January 21, 2008


Aadivaar / Sunday,

The non-deliverable day to the world. Thank GOD for taking rest on Sunday. Thanks British for setting Sunday as holiday of the week. Once again thanks to British who brought coffee to India. And thanks to South Indians for their own way of Filter Coffee preparation.

Yet it’s cold in the town. Day rises late still. It’s 0840Hrs. I decide to hand over my control to mind and body, to indulge myself in nothing. They command to move out and take the road to “Hotel Samudra - Pure Veg.” at Nal Stop.

Body and mind are prepared to undergo the meditative state. They order for “Filter Coffee”. It takes unbearable five minutes. They are anxiously waiting. After waiting for nearly five minutes, the queen of the day, a cup of coffee is in front. They force on me to pick up the cup. They sense exotic aroma.

And further is a whole experience.

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