Friday, February 27, 2009

..GO....GOA........GOAFY !

With a coastline of 100 KMs , Goa offers many picturesque beaches. Almost 36 beautiful Goa beaches were waiting for my footprints .

Cleansed by tides , twice a day , reformed by monsoon yearly, the Goa beaches always have everything new to offer , every time of the year . Mingling with sun kissed beaches is always an endless pleasure!

All Goa beaches are unique and unlike each other .

Though amongst top 10 and preferred destination by foreigners , one finds many Indians , enjoying nature and beauty .

I discovered Goa , packed with foods , activities and amusement for all ages.

Goa stands for beaches , water sports , wildlife , crocodiles & dolphins spotting , bird watching , shoppers paradise , festivals & carnival towns , temple , churches & forts , hiking & trekking , night life , spice farms , shacks-restaurants-hotels-resorts-clubs , lakes-waterfalls and authentic massage centers .

Ooh! That is what I found what GOA stands for . No matter what the desires , Goa has the resources to satisfy .

I will just say ..GO....GOA........GOAFY !

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sunset or Sunrise ?

I was driving back to Mahabaleshwar from Tapola .

Tapola is advertised as Kashmir of Maharashtra , by local guides and tour operators in Mahabaleshwar . Hats off to the person who got the idea to use " Kashmir of Maharashtra " to attract the people to Tapola .

I had been there many times in various seasons , but none of the times it felt attractive , forget about comparing with Kashmir .

Tapola is about 30 KMs , almost all Ghat , from Mahabaleshwar . Road is still under construction at some places . It took 1 hour to reach there .

Boating is a main attraction . We paid Rs . 450/- for 45 minutes ride to a so called island for 4 seats .

Island where you are dropped after almost 12 mins of your ride starts , boasts some tea shops . We were asked to spend 15 mins there . All nonsense . We decided to return back earlier .

After boating fiasco in the water of Koyna and Venna , which form back water of Koyna dam , I started back driving very fast as wanted to see our only star in action .

But couldn't seem reaching at Bombay point to see star setting down as it was almost late .

Decided to stop at a turn and there I was able to catch the star setting down .

It was a mesmerizing environment . Chilled wind . Koyna dam backwater down there . Hardly 2 minute's show .

Show got over , in very happy mood , I started to drive towards Mahabaleshwar .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mahabaleshwaring .

On the pink weekend , I had been to Mahabaleshwar . 20°C at night was really making town more pink .

On Sunday morning I went to MAPRO Garden , where I saw these beautiful flowers .

Grilled Cheese Sandwich was delicious and Strawberry with cream in it's proper season was awesome .

Crowds of youngsters were enjoying the food , the place and yes the temperature .

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

Life running with it's own speed . Lot of things awaited to happen in life .

Google latitude was a great invention of the week .

Plans for this weekend are up . Valentine's day special offers are advertised in news paper and on web sites . Quite tempting offers .

Let every one get his/her desired partner for lifetime .

Got a chance to watch movie ' Mukhbeer ' . Nice creation .

Home , sweet home , nah home , bread home .

I was at Pondicherry . It was 1st Jan morning . I happened to visit a hotel near bus stand . There I saw this Bread House , new year's decoration in entrance lobby .

Planning is up for a week's holiday nearby .

Wishing all living-beings , a happy and successful valentine's day .

Friday, February 6, 2009

Backpacker in Action : Velaas


Almost done with my work of the day .


Blog completed yet to be updated , but no GPRS coverage for Idea Cellular Service , task pending . Lot of time in hand to spend .


Difficult to stop mind & body . Strong wish to visit nearby village ' Velaas ' .


Uncontrollably picked up my bag , put in two biscuit packs & chilled water bottle , fully charged Omnia along . Some cash , almost Rs . 100/- .


Slopping SPF 30 . Shoes on . Rayban covering eyes . No cap .


Out on road, towards auto stand - DiveAagar.


Oops , no auto available . Waiting .


Auto arrived but asking Rs. 200 return trip to Velaas . Seems to be costlier . Rejected .


Six seater arrived . Place available to just seat in . Ok . Now almost 1 KM to travel towards Borli . Road , not good but it is what road is in rural India .


Got down . Just Rs . 5 charged . Now have to ask for auto to Velaas .


In auto . Road , again the same story .


Auto stopped . Paid Rs . 15 . Opened up google map . Checking for roads . Analysing village structure .


Selected a road . Started walking . Everything unknown . Small homes amidst countless coconut trees . Full dark greenery with cold .


A school passing by left side . Let me have a snap . Two of the classes are without teachers .


Feeling thirsty . Taking bottle out . Having some cold sips . Nice houses on both the sides of road .


Road getting converted to a small sandy path . Indicator , beach ahead . Google maps confirming .


Oh , what a view . DiveAagar beach at opposite end . Yesterday , I came to same spot riding boat .


Trying to cross the backwater and reach DiveAagar , but seems to be impossible . Wet sand crossing , almost a deadly experience .


Decided to take a round across Velaas beach .


Taking snaps .


Sun still not giving comfort to relax . Strong sunlight on beach . Extremely clean beach . Only one road from village to come on beach . Google maps helping .


Decided to walk back towards auto stand . Very small road passing through coconut trees .


Red chillies found out side a home . Put in sunlight , for drying purpose . Asked permission to take a snap . Ladies sitting along found astonished , when I photographed red chillies and not them .


Nice walk . Thirsty . Got myself watered . Nice small houses , hidden behind coconut trees .


Back to auto stand . Waiting for auto . Villagers strangely staring . Only small shop in front . Asking for aerated cold drink . Shop keeper honestly told , he has locally bottled drinks . Plan dropped .


Auto . Back to Borli . Cost Rs . 7 . Spending some time at market place .


Caught auto to DiveAagar .


Auto ride cost Rs. 20 .


Life found nourished and enriched . Nice time in life . Once again .

FridayAfternoon : Weekend Mood

Along with the group of almost 40 , I was taking a stroll along backwater of Arabian sea at DiveAagar .

Yes , once again I happened to be at DiveAagar .

It was cool evening . We all were heading towards nowhere along backwater . It was pleasant time passing then .

We caught hold of a traveller boat man and asked him for a ride to Velaas beach . Boat ride was amazing . It was chilled wind passing across , rare experience on west coast .

Spending almost 2 hours and heading a lot of technical discussions with group , including GPS demonstration , on beach , we all decided to return back .

Was a good time .